Tuesday, December 8, 2015


But there’s good news for some…
Originally, Congress would have effectively cut off anyone benefiting from this NEW RETIREMENT strategy when the legislation goes into effect in 2016.
But what few people realize is that Congress went back and amended the legislation with a little-known exception…
In short – this exception will let some seniors who play their cards right to benefit from this strategy, long after the 6-month deadline has come.
In other words , the law was rewritten at the last minute… and anyone who qualifies for these benefits in the next six months will be “grandfathered” in.
Not many people are reporting on this fact, but it is a complete game changer.
If you manage to slide in before that window closes, you could be grandfathered in forever.
But there’s one big catch: it’s up to you to file for these benefits before the window closes on April 30th.