Thursday, December 17, 2015


The Crazy Craigslist Ad for a $500-a-Month Crawl Space in San you don't mind living in the world's creepiest crawl space, you could totally afford living in San Francisco. A couple of guys posted a few pictures of their crawl space to Craigslist, asking $500 rent from anyone willing to live in the dirty hole in the wall.


The post has since been taken down, but not before it got a little attention from the San Francisco media. You can also view the post on an Internet archive — it's quite entertaining. It's pretty clear that one of the housemates, who said he's one of two 20-something "start-up guys" living in the house, wrote the post as a mockery of incredibly expensive rent prices in San Francisco.
With rent skyrocketing in San Francisco, desperate times call for desperate measures and we recently came up with the idea to rent our crawl space out to cash strapped young San Franciscans.

We aren't going to sugar coat this, as you can see by the photos, this is a basement crawl space, and the ground is un-even. My roommate Neil has agreed to help out and level off the dirt crawl floor and we have some scraps of rug to throw down. There is a decent amount of room for a mattress and night stand and you can keep a dresser in the garage. You will be able to run an extension cord into the crawl space for light and the garage provides decent heat for those chilly SF nights or feel free to bring in a space heater.